In a testament to unwavering excellence, Fredericton Volkswagen has triumphed once again, clinching its ninth consecutive win at the prestigious Wolfsburg Crest Club. This remarkable achievement...
The year 2024 is going to be an exciting one for Volkswagen enthusiasts, as we gear up for the grand opening of our new, state-of-the-art dealership. Located at 350 Bishop Drive, this new...
Happy New Year VW Fans, As many of you may know Fredericton Volkswagen now has an ID4 available for clients to try. I’ve personally been spending some time in our ID4 using it as my daily...
The 2023 Volkswagen Tiguan R-Line is the latest addition to Volkswagen's Tiguan family of SUVs. This new model offers a range of exciting features and enhancements that make it a great choice for...
We totally get it. Switching to an EV may feel like a big step, and that’s okay. If you’re curious, here are some of the reasons why EVs are easier than ever to get into. (Spoiler alert: they...
For the past 70 years, we’ve been doing things a little differently. Like how we changed the face of driving in Canada after arriving in 1952. When every other car focused on being the...